วันอังคารที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Holiday Gift Food Baskets - What Do Your Clients Really Want?

The holidays are a time of high stress for almost everyone, including your customers. People are busy doing their job at work, and think about all that needs to be done at home to prepare for the festivities. There is so much to do shopping. Trying to find the right gift for everyone on their list to prepare the perfect meal ... all this adds up to a lot of stress!

Your customers need chocolate.

Chocolate corporate gift baskets are huge this year. You are on the topMany companies give a gift list. And for good reason. Chocolate is healthy. It makes your customers happy and it reduces stress. Gourmet chocolate is even better.

Chocolate is healthy.

Did you know that it is good for a healthy heart? Flavonols in cocoa-stop fat-like substances in the blood from oxidizing and clogging the arteries and make them less likely to curdle the blood. It is also high in magnesium.

Chocolate makes your customers happy.

Did you meanknow that the consumption of cocoa products serotonin and endorphins are increased in the brain? These are our bodies "feel good" chemicals. Who knows, maybe you'll dance your customers around the office.

Chocolate stress from building.

Did you know that endorphins naturally flow from the movement as a "runner's high"? For busy people on holiday, which is no time to train, chocolate the answer. Add some lush premium fruit to a corporate gift basket, and you willthey still make you happy!

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